Transform your life today!
Jump start your day with Prayer and the Word of God. This daily devotional book adds faith and power to your ministry tool box. With each page, you will be edified, encouraged, stirred, and ignited with faith charges! Transform your life with accelerated prayers that bridge the gap between heaven and earth.

Dr. Carla D.Lewis
Dr. Carla D. Lewis is the Vice President of Christian Bible Institute & Seminary and is an anointed psalmist leading praise and worship in the Lord’s church. As Assistant Pastor of the Dwelling Place of God Christian Fellowship Church located in Houston, Texas, Dr. Lewis serves faithful with her husband, Dr. Tony V. Lewis, who is the Senior Pastor. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies, a Master of Arts degree in Ministry and an Honorary Doctor of Sacred Music degree. Dr. Lewis is also a Certified Christian Counselor, Christian Life Coach and a Certified Christian Chaplain.